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Exhibition "Safrà" Pau Alsina at the Catalunya campus CRAI

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Catalunya campus CRAI

Pau Alsina, Reus 2005. He is a UDL architecture student. Despite his youth, he has been creating at the Illa de saffrà workshop in Reus for more than 10 years. He has participated in several collectives such as L'anonimat pervers, Art Mill, Vinyols del Camp 2021; Children of the same branch, Cal Massó, Reus 2022; Joint exhibition with Agustina Sobrino and Petits at Confiteria Padreny, Reus 2022/23 respectively. He has participated in the book Què ens mata by Elena Pedrell / Art Mill 2022.

Following this publication, Pau Alsina caught my attention for his fresh and at the same time powerful plastic language. It didn't take me long to get in touch with him and propose a collaboration for Cultura Verda. This fact has become concrete in his first individual exhibition at the CRAI on Campus Catalunya and thanks to the mental openness of the URV's Art Room.
I think it is important from Cultura Verda to also support the budding talent of our territory. The result of this work with Pau is a delicious journey and tribute to his mentors who have accompanied him in his creativity and growth as a person on the path of life that is just beginning. Alsina has made a beautiful parallel with a nurturing hive and the pollen she has received so far to prepare for her flight.


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