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Exhibition "Professional documentary and advertising photography" at Catalunya Campus CRAI

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Catalunya Campus CRAI

Exhibition that exhibits the photographs resulting from the postgraduate course offered by the URV Foundation "Professional Documentary and Advertising Photography".

Led by Maoz Eliakim, a URV professor and commercial photographer, it is a sample of the best work done by former postgraduate students.

Center of interest "World Heart Day (September 29)"

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Medicine and Health Sciences CRAI and virtual

On the occasion of World Heart Day, which is celebrated on September 29, the CRAI Medicine and Health Sciences has prepared a center of interest that can be visited in the lobby of the CRAI, as well as a virtual collection of resources on the subject . The virtual selection includes web pages, recommended bibliography, available electronic resources, videos and podcasts.

This date was established by the World Heart Federation in order to make the population aware of the risk factors that cause heart disease, which each year causes 18.6 million deaths in the world.