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Center of interest "International Day of Persons with Disabilities (December 3)" at the CRAI Sescelades campus

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Sescelades campus CRAI

On the occasion of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities (December 3), the Sescelades campus CRAI exhibits a new center of interest. It is located in the first floor of the CRAI and is made up of Sescelades CRAI documents related to the subject.

Center of interest "Christmas at the CRAI" at the Terres de l'Ebre campus CRAI

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Terres de l'Ebre campus CRAI

Christmas center of interest with a sample of readings, games, movies, stories and comics to borrow and enjoy during these holidays.

II Cycle of online Training of the Scopus database

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From December 12 to 18, FECYT and Elsevier organize the II Cycle of online Training of the Scopus database. Its objective is make to researchers, students and library staff aware of the updates and new functionalities designed for institutions.

In this edition the following 10 free courses have been scheduled, lasting one hour and in Spanish. Registration is open:

  1. Introducción a Scopus
  2. Scopus: búsqueda por materia
  3. Scopus: perfil de autor e instituciones
  4. Scopus: Métricas
  5. Scopus: Cite Score
  6. Scopus: sources y comparación de revistas
  7. Scopus: búsqueda avançada
  8. Scopus: trabajando con los resultados
  9. Más allá de Scopus: aprovechando los recursos de Scopus
  10. Scopus: Pregunta & Respuesta-LibGuide: where doubts arising during previous sessions will be answered. They can be sent to the address servicioscientificos(ELIMINAR)@fecyt.es

Check all the sessions and formalize the prior registration through this link. The first time you log in, SABiDi will ask for validation with the university's credentials. From here, you can choose the session or sessions of your interest. Use the institutional mail of the URV when filling in the registration form. Once formalized, you will receive a confirmation email that must be saved because it contains the link to access the session on the day and time indicated. Check your spam folder if you haven't received it.

All users who take the courses and answer the 100% of all online questions that will be asked live during the session, will receive by email a satisfaction survey and, a few weeks later, the certificate of attendance.

Recorded sessions and training material from other Scopus and Web of Science courses can also be downloaded.