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Exhibition "Mathematics for a better world" at the Sescelades campus CRAI

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Sescelades campus CRAI

With the support of the Department of Computer Engineering and Mathematics of the URV, this exhibition, created by the Catalan Mathematics Society, the FECYT and other institutions, has been installed on the CRAI campus Sescelades. It offers a short tour of some current applications of mathematics in the world around us, in areas as diverse as industry, engineering, technology, economics and health.

It can be visited in the lobby of the Sescelades campus CRAI until December 23rd, coinciding with the first quarter of the new degree in Mathematical and Physical Engineering of the Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyeria (ETSE).

Center of interest "Marina Subirats, Doctor Honoris Causa by the URV" at Catalunya campus CRAI

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Catalunya campus CRAI

The CRAI campus Catalunya exhibits a center of interest on the occasion of the investiture as Doctor Honoris Causa of Marina Subirats.

Marina Subirats, pioneer and benchmark in promoting equality policies, was awarded an honorary doctorate by the Rovira i Virgili University in a ceremony that took place on April 30 in Tarragona.

For this reason we present at the CRAI a sample of her work, with a selection of books published by the author and that you will find available in the CRAI bibliographic collection.

You will find more information at:

Summary Investiture as Doctor Honoris causa to Dra. Marina Subirats

Marina Subirats, promoter of equality policies, awarded an honorary doctorate by the URV