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“Train, Accredit, Empower yourself” campaign of the European Documentation Center of the URV

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The "Train, Accredit, Empower yourself" campaign of the European Documentation Center of the URV together with Europe Direct Tarragona wants to highlight all the resources that the European Union offers to its citizens to develop new skills.

Among other initiatives, tablecloths will be distributed in the cafeterias of the Catalunya, Sescelades and Bellissens campuses, and a guide has been prepared.

More information about the campaign in the URV Digital Newspaper and also through social networks with the hashtags #cdeurv and #EUYearOFSkills

Exhibition "#Primavera musical: LITERATURA I CANÇONS" at Catalunya campus CRAI

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Catalunya campus CRAI

The exhibition has been promoted by the University of Alicante, and coordinated at the URV by the Department of Catalan Philology, the CRAI, the Linguistic Service and the Association of Catalan Language Teachers and Writers (APELLC).

In this exhibition, a journey is made through music through literature, through literature through music, through the authors and those who sing:

"The ways in which literature fits into music can be very diverse. It goes far beyond the setting of poems to music, of which we will make a brief brushstroke in this exhibition. There are some authors who have become symbols and references, because of what they have written, because of the impact of their works, and that is why they are sung a lot and take the lead in parts of songs. On some occasions it is the names of their works that appear in them and, on others , the characters they have created. And as the ultimate literary reference, there are the intertextualities, the obvious ones and the ones that go unnoticed and it's a joy to discover them."

Exhibition "El Rector de Vallfogona. Historia y mito" at the Baix Penedès CRAI

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Baix Penedès CRAI

On the occasion of the 400th anniversary of the death of Francesc Vicent Garcia, known as the Rector of Vallfogona, the exhibition "The Rector of Vallfogona. History and myth" can be visited at the Baix Penedès CRAI. This exhibition coincided with the International Conference "Woman, Eros and Holiness: the feminine universe in the work of Vicent Garcia and the Catalan Baroque", which was held on the Catalunya campus on December 4 and 5.

It is a seven-panel exhibition that narrates the life and work of Francesc Vicent Garcia, the first great writer of Catalan baroque literature and the most popular of the time. This exhibition is complemented by the bibliographic compilation of the work that the CRAI has on the author. It is an informative exhibition created with the desire to awaken interest in the figure of the author.

The exhibition has been produced by the Institution of Catalan Letters, with the collaboration of the Library Service of the Generalitat of Catalonia.

Exhibition "Views of the World" at the Seu Vilafranca del Penedès CRAI

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Seu Vilafranca del Penedès CRAI

The exhibition consists of six panels of "Women of the World" that are the result of a project carried out by the NGO Mirades del Món and the Óscar Romero Solidarity Committee.

During the 2022/2023 academic year, 3rd grade students from six schools in Tarragona (La Salle Tarragona, Marcel·lí Domingo School, Lestonnac Tarragona School, CampClar School, CEEP Sant Rafael and El Serrallo School) have learned the reality of six women from the world with the help of different NGOs that work with children and women around the world (ECCIT, Fundación Vicente Ferrer, Aldea Yanapay, AfricaNdoto, Kolam, Proide and Dream Nepal). Once the schools have learned about the reality of women, several illustrators have helped the children make an illustration of the different realities.

The children who made the drawings are: Berta Artigal, Carla Brota, Namibia Coronado, Tati Ayala, Vanessa Castro and Gabriela Basin.

CRAI activities for the 8M International Women's Day

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Virtual and Campus CRAI

On the occasion of International Women's Day (March 8), the CRAI has prepared activities in collaboration with the Equality Unit of the URV.

Activity 1

Title: Centers of interest

Location: Campus CRAI

Dates: from March 6 to 15

Description: exhibition of information resources related to women and feminism. Movies, illustrated books, essay books are some of the materials that can be consulted and also borrowed.

Activity 2

Title: Guide "International Women's Day (March 8)"

Place: Online

Dates: permanent availability.

Description: compilation of activities and resources (internationally, from the URV and from the CRAI) on 8M, women and feminism.

"Archéo-sexism" exhibition at the Medicine and Health Sciences CRAI

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Medicine and Health Sciences CRAI

Archéo-Sexism is a traveling exhibition of the French association Archéo-Éthique and the Paye ta Truelle project. Through the presentation of witnesses about sexism in archaeology, mainly in the fields of excavation, it aims to promote scientific culture and encourage diversity and equality through ethics in the world of research. The testimonies collected by Paye ta Truelle and Archéo-Éthique have been illustrated by artists and exhibited in various institutions.

The exhibition has been carried out with the collaboration of the ICAC, the Department of History and Art History of the URV and the Equality Unit of the URV.

On December 12 at 11 a.m. in room 501 of the Catalunya campus was presented by the institutions involved and with a talk by the researcher and historian of the University of Lleida Ariadna Nieto: "From invisibility to impunity: ( De)ciphering gender discrimination and sexual harassment in archaeology.

Exhibition "An ocean of letters: 50 portraits of Spanish, Portuguese and Ibero-American writers" at the Seu Baix Penedès CRAI

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Seu Baix Penedès CRAI

The proposal and invitation for the Department of Romance Philologies to organize the exhibition "An ocean of letters: 50 portraits of Spanish, Portuguese and Ibero-American writers" came from the Union of Professional Journalists of Romania, endorsed by the names of: Mr. Nicolae Ionita, dr. Marian Nencescu, Director of the Department of Culture of the Union of Journalists and Acad. Prof. Dr. Gheorghe Paun.

Mr. Nicolae Ionita has connections in the context of graphic artists in the world and is known in Romania for organizing various exhibitions in his country and abroad with portraits of Romanian writers and for having published several albums and catalogs with personal creations or in collaboration. This year he has launched a large-scale action: an international competition of portraits of the world's great writers: "Tribute to the Great Writers on the World."

In the contest, 500 artists participated and sent more than 2,000 portraits. Drawings by 200 artists from 55 countries have been selected. The Union of Journalists sent invitations to organize exhibitions in various institutions around the world. 64 cultural institutions registered and were able to freely choose portraits of writers. The Department of Romance Philologies of the Rovira i Virgili University has shown interest in the proposal and it can be visited in the different CRAIs on the URV campus.

Dr. Mª Dolores Jiménez, Dr. Mª José Rodríguez, Dr. Mª Isabel Calle, Dr. Lilica Voicu and Mr. Santiago Montes have participated in the organization of this exhibition.

I Cycle of online Training of the Scopus database

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From March 11 to 20, FECYT and Elsevier organize the I Cycle of online Training of the Scopus database. Its objective is make to researchers, students and library staff aware of the updates of the datebase and the new functionalities designed for institutions.

In this edition the following 15 free courses have been scheduled, lasting one hour and in Spanish. Registration is open:

  1. Introduction to Scopus
  2. Scopus searches: Documents
  3. Scopus searches: Analysis of results
  4. Scopus: profile of author and institutions
  5. Scopus: Cite Score and other journal metrics
  6. Scopus: Sources and comparison of journals
  7. Scopus: Scopus by authors
  8. Scopus: Question & Answer-LibGuide: where doubts arising during previous sessions will be answered. They can be sent to the address servicioscientificos(ELIMINAR)@fecyt.es

Check all the sessions and formalize the prior registration through this link. The first time you log in, SABiDi will ask for validation with the university's credentials. From here, you can choose the session or sessions of your interest. Use the institutional mail of the URV when filling in the registration form. Once formalized, you will receive a confirmation email that must be saved because it contains the link to access the session on the day and time indicated. Check your spam folder if you haven't received it.

All users who take the courses and answer the 100% of all online questions that will be asked live during the session, will receive by email a satisfaction survey and, a few weeks later, the certificate of attendance.

Recorded sessions and training material from other Scopus and Web of Science courses can also be downloaded.

I Online Training Cycle of the Web of Science database

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The FECYT, together with Clarivate, has organized the I Online Training Cycle of the Web of Science database that will take place throughout the first semester of 2024, with the aim of publicizing the updates, changes and the novelties of this database, through several free sessions, in Spanish, of 60 minutes duration, and which will be developed during the coming months, at the rate of 3 sessions per month. The sessions offered for the month of February 2024 are:

  • March 12 (from 2 to 3 p.m.): Use Boolean operators and save my queries in Web of Science (basic level)
  • March 13 (from 2 to 3 p.m.): Use Web of Science to identify the most relevant bibliography (basic level)
  • March 14 (from 2 to 3 p.m.): From simple to complex search in Web of Science (advanced level)

As usual, remember that these sessions are open and aimed at all students, researchers and users who are part of any Spanish R+D+i institution with a WoS license.

You can consult all the sessions and formalize the previous registration through this link. The first time you access it, you will be asked to validate yourself in SABiDi with your university credentials. From here, you can choose the session or sessions that interest you. Use the institutional email of the URV when filling out the registration form. Once formalized, you will receive a confirmation email that you must save because it contains the link to be able to access the session on the day and time indicated. Please check your spam folder if you haven't received it.

All users who complete the courses and answer 100% of all online questions that will be asked live during the session will receive a satisfaction survey by email and, a few weeks later, the certificate of attendance.

The recorded sessions and training material of other courses will also be available for download on Web of Science and also on Scopus.

Exhibition "BENDITA INOCENCIA d' Antonio Luque" at Catalunya campus CRAI

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Catalunya campus CRAI

Antonio Luque's exhibition, which can be visited until April 14 in the different spaces of the CRAI on the Catalunya campus, helps to show that all representations of reality hide games, subjective ways of observing or narrative archetypes and that it is the texts that determine what we see in the images.

"Blessed Inocencia" collects five photographs of different anonymous men - from a list of nearly 60 -, which are accompanied by more or less well-known names, such as Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon; Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft; Amancio Ortega, founder of Inditex, Ma Huateng, founder, president and CEO of Tencet, a company dedicated to technology and the Internet, which brings together the largest gaming and entertainment groups in the world or Alice Walton, the only one on the list, heiress of the fortune of the founder of Wal-Mart, the world's largest retail company.

Anotnio Luque is a searcher of lost images in old bookstores and second-hand tracks. He hunts down photo archives of anonymous people, from closed studios and memory dumps. With them he creates fictional worlds or viral narratives inspired by the faces, environments and poses of the people photographed and turns them into actors in his projects. He is not interested in what they were, but in what they can become.

The images of these young men rescued from the archive of a neighborhood photographer act as a representation of each of the names of the successful and millionaire heroes.